Looking for a job may not be an easy task. In fact, looking for a job IS a job. Many web sites exists to do that, but that's not our point here. We are on a technical blog, so the goal is to see how we could build such a website the best way we can, using new technologies.
The web site will use several technologies :
- node.js
- express
- swagger
- angular
- sockets
- bootstrap
- elasticsearch
- couchdb
- logstash
- kibana
- ...
The website will also be build like this
- A RESTFul web service made with swagger to expose data
- A frontend node.js application, which will mostly by a single-page application that will call a RESTFul API to grab data
- A couchbase database to store information
- An elasticsearch database to be able to perform searches
- A logstash/kibana database and viewer to present logs in a readable way.
All of this will use opensourced technologies. The only "non-free" tool used will be WebStorm, the IDE I use to code, as it is a very good IDE.
Part I : Creating a simple RESTFull API that rocks !
Part II : Managing application logs using LogStash
Part III : Storing and loading data with Apache CouchDB and node.js
Part IV : Scalling node.js, and ensure high availability using "cluster"
Part V : Serving files with nginx
Part VI : Usage of Apache Kafka to send logs to logstash and propagate application configuration changes
Part VII : Client side javascript dependencies using Bower
... + more to come.
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